September 20, 2024
Bernie Moreno Joins LCV’s Infamous Dirty Dozen
Columbus, OH — The LCV Victory Fund has named Bernie Moreno as one of the twelve candidates for federal office to its signature Dirty Dozen. For nearly 30 years, the Dirty Dozen program has targeted candidates — regardless of party affiliation — who consistently side against the environment and are running in races in which LCV Victory Fund has a serious chance to affect the outcome. Since Donald Trump was elected, 75% of the candidates named to the Dirty Dozen have been defeated.
Bernie Moreno is a multi-millionaire former luxury car dealer who ran as an extreme-right candidate against JD Vance in the 2022 Senate primary. This time around, with Donald Trump’s endorsement, Moreno has made it crystal clear that he is fully on board with Trump’s dirty energy agenda that calls for massive rollbacks of environmental safeguards and handouts to Big Oil. At a candidate forum in February, Moreno made his priorities clear when he said, “This is Findlay, Ohio. This is the headquarters of Marathon Petroleum. We should be unleashing American energy and being an energy-dominant country. Instead, we have this move towards windmills, solar panels. We need coal, we need natural gas, we need oil. That’s gonna drive prices down.”
In response, the following statement can be attributed in whole or in part to Spencer Dirrig, Director of the OEC Action Fund:
“While Sherrod Brown has been delivering family-sustaining jobs for working Ohioans, Bernie Moreno would leave Ohio families behind with his backward energy policy agenda. Instead of investing in renewable energy jobs here in Ohio, Bernie Moreno would increase energy costs by decreasing production — helping oil and coal billionaires profit while Ohio families suffer.
“Ohioans can’t afford Bernie Moreno in the Senate, and this announcement is a welcome step in the fight to re-elect Sherrod Brown in November.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund protects the environment and health of all Ohio communities by electing climate champions, holding public officials accountable, and advancing environmental justice policies. More at