June 10, 2021
OEC Action Fund Applauds Amendment to Save Doris Duke Woods
Columbus, OH — On Wednesday, the Senate approved its version of the State of Ohio’s FY22-23 operating budget (Sub. HB 110). Tucked in the bill was the Senate’s approval for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to designate 120 contiguous acres of Malabar Farm State Park’s most mature hardwood forest as the “Doris Duke Woods Nature Preserve” at Malabar Farm State Park.
In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Heather Taylor-Miesle, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund President:
“Designating Doris Duke Woods as Ohio’s newest state nature preserve will not only protect sensitive ecosystems and important habitat, but it will also provide expanded recreational opportunities for Ohioans. We applaud Sen. Romanchuk for his leadership to permanently protect the significant portion of mature forest near Malabar Farm State Park and thank local conservationists for their continued stewardship of this beautiful property.
“As the conference committee on the budget bill gets underway, we urge the members to retain this critical amendment as it is in the best interest of current and future Ohioans to protect this special place.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We will continue to fight for Ohio’s access to clean water, healthy air, vibrant public lands and a strong democracy.
Press Inquiries? Please contact ebacha@theoec.org