December 17, 2019
OEC Action Fund Applauds new bill working to increase electric vehicle usage in Ohio
Today State Senators O’Brien (D-Bazetta) and Rulli (R-Salem) announced legislation to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles in Ohio.
The following statement can be attributed in full or in part to Miranda Leppla, advocate for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund:
“Nationally, carbon emissions from the transportation sector exceeds that of the electric power sector. The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund applauds today’s announced legislation that will help jump-start Ohio’s efforts to reduce air pollution coming from the transportation sector, improve public health outcomes and accelerate trends towards electric vehicle (EV) adoption.
“We also hope this trend to accelerate EV adoption will cause our legislators to revisit how to best fund our highway infrastructure to ensure reasonable registration fees for low emissions vehicles, rather than penalizing EV owners with punitive registration fees.”