May 12, 2021
OEC Action Fund Statement in Support of SB 117
Columbus, OH — The Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) Action Fund provided proponent testimony today in support of Senate Bill 117 (SB 117) because it repeals and terminates subsidies—instituted by House Bill 6 (HB 6)—for two aging and polluting coal plants owned and operated by the Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC), and requires OVEC entities to refund the money collected from Ohioans.
The following statement can be attributed in full or part to Miranda Leppla, Vice President of Energy Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund:
“For years we have heard Ohio policymakers state support for an “all of the above” energy policy and a competitive marketplace to ensure inexpensive, reliable energy sources for Ohioans. Despite repeated claims of support for that strategy, HB 6 clearly picked winners and losers, subsidizing aging nuclear and dirty coal plants, while eliminating cost saving energy efficiency programs for Ohioans and incentives for renewable energy.
“Ohioans deserve a full and complete repeal of HB 6, not only because of the corruption surrounding its passage, but because it is bad energy policy for Ohio. Passing SB 117 is critical to putting Ohio back on track toward a clean energy future by repealing and blocking subsidies for polluting coal plants that hurt Ohioans’ pocketbooks and our health.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We seek to protect and enhance the environment, economic viability, and health of all Ohio communities by expanding access to public lands, advancing critical environmental priorities, holding policy makers accountable, and electing environmental champions.
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