April 1, 2022
OEC Action Fund Statement on House Bill 175 Senate Floor Vote
Columbus, OH — The Ohio Senate today voted to approve Amended House Bill (HB) 175, a bill designed to remove protections for an estimated 36,000 miles of ephemeral streams in Ohio, opening them up to pollution and degradation.
In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Pete Bucher, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund Program Director:
“Dirty water legislation is dangerously close to becoming law in Ohio with the passage of House Bill 175 in the Ohio Senate.
“Not only does HB 175 fail to protect the important ecological qualities of Ohio’s ephemeral streams, it also fails to protect the drinking water of millions of Ohioans who rely on water resources fed by these streams. This bill will cause regulatory uncertainty for the 36,000 miles of ephemeral streams in Ohio, leading to further pollution ending up in our larger waterways. As a result, Ohio families will likely see rising water bills given increased treatment needs. Taxpayer investments in programs designed to protect and improve drinking water quality, like the state’s H2Ohio program, will be directly undercut.
“The OEC Action Fund now strongly urges members of the Ohio House to vote no on amended HB 175. Ohioans’ drinking water depends on it.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We will continue to fight for Ohio’s access to clean water, healthy air, vibrant public lands and a strong democracy.
Media Inquiries? ebacha@heeoec.org