April 15, 2021
OEC Action Fund Statement on Substitute House Bill 110
Columbus, OH — The Ohio House of Representatives unveiled their initial changes to House Bill 110 (HB 110), the state of Ohio’s operating budget for FY2022 and 2023, on Tuesday. The proposed budget reduces funding for water quality improvements, but includes some additional funding that will increase Ohioans’ access to public lands.
In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Trish Demeter, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund Chief of Staff:
“The substitute budget bill provides bad news for Ohioans’ drinking water, but some good news for Ohioans’ public lands and outdoor recreation.
“The much-needed increased investment in the H2Ohio program was almost entirely removed in the substitute budget bill through reductions in proposed funding for the Ohio EPA’s water infrastructure projects. Given that Ohio’s drinking water and stormwater infrastructure recently received an abysmal D+ rating from the American Society of Civil Engineers, we know there is tremendous need for this type of funding in communities across the state. The H2Ohio program is poised to continue improving drinking water quality for Ohioans if the resources are made available. We urge the House to restore this funding for the health and wellbeing of Ohioans in urban, suburban and rural communities. The first year of this program proves its successes; we should be doing more, not less, to ensure clean, safe drinking water for all who call Ohio home.
“On the other hand, we thank the Ohio House leaders for retaining the Governor’s state public lands funding, and for increasing funding for some key outdoor recreation projects by nearly $3 million. These investments will help ensure Ohioans have access to quality outdoor experiences at a time when demand has never been higher.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We will continue to fight for Ohio’s access to clean water, healthy air, vibrant public lands and a strong democracy.
Press Inquiries? Please contact ebacha@theoec.org.