December 15, 2022
OEC Action Fund Urges Governor DeWine to veto Sub. House Bill 458
COLUMBUS — In the late hours of the night, the General Assembly sent Substitute House Bill 458 to the Governor’s desk, a bill bad for voters and Ohio’s democracy. The OEC Action Fund urges the Governor to veto this bad piece of legislation.
Over the past few weeks, the Senate Local Government & Elections Committee amended Sub. House Bill 458 to incorporate stricter Voter ID laws and other election administration changes. It ultimately served as the vehicle for anti-voter laws also considered through Sub. House Bill 294 over the past few weeks.
Sub. House BIll 458’s passage comes alongside the General Assembly’s consideration of House Joint Resolution 6, which modifies the percentage of votes needed to amend the Ohio Constitution from 50% to 60%. The proposed change runs counter to Ohio’s long history of direct democracy, and represents an attempt to subvert the will of the people in this state. This week, the House Government Oversight Committee sent House Joint Resolution 6 to the House floor, all while hundreds of organizations and thousands of people from across Ohio actively opposed the concept. If HJR 6, or a similar amendment, appears again in the 135th Assembly, the OEC Action Fund will oppose it.
The following quote can be attributed, in whole or in part, to Chris Tavenor, Managing Director of Democracy Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) Action Fund:
“HB 458, along with HJR 6, are a culmination of the 134th Ohio General Assembly’s efforts to subvert the will of Ohio voters. In both 2021 and 2022, we witnessed the Ohio Redistricting Commission and the General Assembly fight tooth and nail to run on gerrymandered districts, even when the Ohio Supreme Court found their maps unconstitutional seven times. We urge the Governor to veto Sub. House Bill 458.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We will continue to fight for Ohio’s access to clean water, healthy air, vibrant public lands and a strong democracy.
Marisa Twigg, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund,