June 13, 2017
On the Removal of Two Dangerous Amendments from the State Budget Bill
The following statement can be attributed in full, or in part, to Nathan Johnson, public lands director of the Ohio Environmental Council/OEC Action Fund:
“Today, we learned that the Ohio Senate removed two dangerous amendments from the State Budget bill that would have opened up state and local parks to oil and gas development. We applaud this action by the Senate’s majority leadership, including Senate President Larry Obhof, to protect our public lands. The Ohio Senate wisely chose to protect our state and local parks, ensuring that we, and our children and grandchildren have the opportunity to experience intact, healthy, and beautiful places in which to hike, hunt, fish, and find solitude in nature.
“Over the last month, the Ohio Environmental Council conducted events across the state, and activated thousands of concerned Ohioans to demand action from their elected representatives. This is a clear win for present and future generations of Ohioans.”