April 4, 2022
Organizations thank Rep. Juanita Brent for her lead co-sponsorship of the Energy Jobs and Justice Act
Columbus, OH — State Representative Juanita Brent (District 12-Cleveland) has joined State Representative Casey Weinstein (District 37-Hudson) in leading the charge on the Energy Jobs and Justice Act (House Bill 429) as the lead co-sponsor for the legislation.
Representative Brent has taken on this challenge because she believes Ohio is ready for forward-looking solutions that are good for our economy, our communities, and our health. She is committed to the goal of transitioning Ohio to 100 percent carbon-free electricity generation and use by 2050 under the Energy Jobs & Justice Act. Representative Brent released a video announcement of her lead co-sponsorship.
“We greatly appreciate Representative Brent taking on the role of champion for the Energy Jobs & Justice Act. This legislation is a comprehensive clean energy policy rooted in equity, economic development, and accountability,” said Nolan Rutschilling, Interim Managing Director of Energy Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund, a supporter of the legislation. “It calls for clean energy growth, energy waste reduction, and curbing utility influence over policymaking and regulatory actions.”
The Energy Jobs and Justice Act centers on equitable policy designed to make sure those most historically and disproportionately harmed by Ohio’s regressive energy policies benefit most from this clean energy transition.
“Ohio can demonstrate groundbreaking leadership by implementing a comprehensive energy policy centered on equity, jobs and increased accountability,” said SeMia Bray, Executive Director of the Black Environmental Leaders Action Fund, also supporting the legislation. “We look forward to working with Representative Brent to advance bold climate action like the Energy Jobs and Justice Act to secure a healthier, more equitable clean energy future for all Ohioans.”
The Black Environmental Leaders (BEL) Action Fund is a non-partisan equitable policy and advocacy initiative formed to build the political power of Ohio’s environmental justice movement through strategic issues and electoral campaigns. Founded in 2021, BEL Action Fund partners with communities, local government entities, foundations, multiple sectors, and public health agencies to bring research, practice, strategy, and analysis to the pressing energy, health and climate equity concerns of the day.
Media inquiries? SeMia Bray at brays@ccgconsultantsinc.com
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund, a 501c4 organization, seeks to protect and enhance the environment, economic viability, and health of all Ohio communities by expanding access to public lands, advancing critical environmental priorities, holding policy makers accountable, and electing environmental champions.
Media inquiries? Emily Bacha at ebacha@theoec.org