July 19, 2016
Republican platform abandons core conservative values
Contact: Brian Kaiser, Director of Public Relations, OEC Action Fund
bkaiser@theoec.org 614-408-5084
CLEVELAND, OH – The Republican Party passed the Republican Platform today at the Republican National Convention. The platform represents a retreat from the legacy of conservation that the party once proudly embraced and includes numerous provisions that are out of step with the American public.
Among the anti-conservation provisions included in the platform is language aimed at killing the life-saving clean power plan, opening our parks and natural areas to exploitive drilling and logging, and reversing the progress that has been made forging an international climate treaty.
In response to the adoption of the platform, the OEC Action Fund issued the following statement.
“There was a time when conservative politics and environmental conservation went hand in hand. Yesterday’s adoption of the 2016 Republican Platform at the RNC shows the party no longer subscribes to the basic conservative tenets of personal responsibility, living within our means, or protecting our families.
If it did, it would work hard to address climate change, which threatens our families, our communities and our way of life. Today’s Republican Party and its platform shows its more concerned with growing the wealth of big polluters than protecting the health of our families.
From climate change to clean energy, the Grand Old Party has turned its back on Ohio’s families and doesn’t represent the views or values of most Ohioans.”
Aryeh Alex, Director of the OEC Action Fund