June 11, 2019
Response to the Senate Republican Budget Proposal
Columbus, OH—The Senate Republican Caucus today released their budget priorities for the upcoming FY 2020-2021 Ohio State Budget. In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Kristy Meyer, Vice-President of Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund:
“This budget proposal continues many of the good things introduced by Governor DeWine and refined by Speaker Householder and the Ohio House of Representatives. Particularly, we are pleased to see the continued full funding for our parks, nature preserves, and wildlife areas, and $47 million for the purchase of AEP ReCreation Lands.
“We continue to push for long-term, dedicated funding for water quality—to fulfill the H2Ohio program as proposed by the Governor. It is good to see this a major priority in this version of the budget as well.
“As 2020 quickly approaches, we urge the Senate to include adequate funding for the state’s efforts to ensure a complete census count including $1.1 million for hard to count community grants.
“The OEC Action Fund continues to work with lawmakers to ensure that Ohio’s land, water, air, and democracy are protected for this budget and beyond.”