September 30, 2019
Statement on Attorney General Yost’s Address regarding intimidation in HB 6 petition process
Columbus, OH — Today, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost addressed recent reports of harassment and intimidation in the petition process for House Bill 6.
In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Trish Demeter, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund advocate:
“Every Ohioan has the right to sign ballot-measure petitions, without intimidation or threat of violence, and we must protect that right. Attorney General Yost made the right move to call out petition interference. Ohioans have the democratic right to place this bad bill on the ballot.
“House Bill 6 is a bad bill for Ohio families and businesses, our environment, and our health. We know that a majority of Ohioans believe that climate change is affecting us already and want their elected leaders to support clean energy investments across the state. The HB 6 referendum gives voters the opportunity to challenge this bad legislation and call for bold climate action.”