August 5, 2019
Statement on FirstEnergy Solutions Union Contracts
A recent filing by the unions representing FirstEnergy Solutions (FES) workers indicates that the company wants to emerge from bankruptcy without union contracts in place. The company has neither agreed to assume the existing contracts nor reached new ones with the unions at two of the three FES nuclear plants, including the Perry plant east of Cleveland.
In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Miranda Leppla, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund advocate:
“This report is yet another broken promise by FirstEnergy Solutions (FES). In April, the company assured Ohio lawmakers that new collective bargaining agreements were essentially agreed upon, helping ensure the ultimate passage of the horrendous House Bill 6. Today, we see a prime example that FES will always work to benefit their corporate investors at the expense of Ohioans. We stand with the union workers and against FES’s broken promises that continue to negatively impact Ohioans’ health and wallets.”