July 23, 2019
Statement on Ohio House Passage of House Bill 6 and Call for Veto
Columbus, OH — Despite extensive efforts to improve House Bill 6 (HB 6) throughout the legislative process, the bill was passed by the Ohio House of Representatives this afternoon. The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund remains opposed to the Amended Substitute HB 6 and calls on Gov. Mike DeWine to veto the bill given its negative effects on Ohio’s economic and environmental health.
In response, the following quote can be attributed in full or part to Trish Demeter, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund advocate:
“The bill before Gov. DeWine appeases only a few private sector interests in Ohio, at the expense of Ohio families, small businesses, and the health of current and future Ohioans.
“Since 2009, Ohio’s energy efficiency and renewable energy standards moved Ohio forward in terms of creating new clean energy jobs, attracting new investment and revenue coming into Ohio, and steadily reducing annual carbon pollution equivalent to about a million homes’ worth of electricity consumption. HB 6 will set Ohio backwards as it cuts funding for these critical renewable energy sources and bails out antiquated nuclear and coal facilities, all while sticking Ohioans with dirtier air and higher utility bills.
“HB 6 is the wrong direction for Ohio, a state known for its spirit of innovation, strong manufacturing base, and responsibility to the health of our communities. We urge Gov. DeWine to veto HB 6 and foster a more productive and comprehensive approach to energy policy in Ohio.”
The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We will continue to fight for Ohio’s access to clean water, healthy air, vibrant public lands and a strong democracy.