July 16, 2018
Statement: The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund PAC Endorses Richard Cordray for Ohio Governor
Columbus, Ohio — The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund PAC is pleased to announce its endorsement of Richard Cordray for Ohio governor. Ohio’s next governor needs to be a leader on the environment, and Cordray has exhibited the kind of passion and understanding Ohio needs in order to make real progress on environmental issues in our state.
“Richard Cordray has demonstrated a willingness to make environmental policy a priority during his term,” said Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund PAC President, Heather Taylor-Miesle. “We did not make this decision lightly. Long hours and conversations went into making this endorsement and we are confident that Cordray will deliver on environmental progress.”
Cordray has made clean energy a key part of his campaign and understands that Ohio is falling drastically behind on the clean energy revolution. Our state, once known as a leader in the energy industry, now currently ranks #38 in renewable energy development thanks to a state legislature that has turned back the clock on the renewable energy sector, sacrificing billions of dollars in revenue in the process. Other states are seeing a rise in good-paying jobs in the clean energy sector — the fastest growing job sector in the world — while Ohio continually lags behind. Cordray understands this risk to our future. Once in office, Cordray promises he will invest in solar power to create more local jobs, starting with AEP’s proposal for a 400 MW facility in Appalachian Ohio, one of the most underserved regions of our state.
“If we’re going to move Ohio into the future, it’s imperative that we embrace our incredible potential to harness clean and renewable sources of energy like wind and solar,” said Cordray. “As Governor, my approach to energy will help protect our environment, while still creating jobs and keeping energy costs down for middle class families.”
While Cordary works to bolster Ohio’s clean energy economy, he’ll also be focused on another important issue to Ohioans — the health of our Great Lake.
When 400,000 Ohioans go without drinking water for three days, hospitals shut down, businesses and schools close, and there is no clear resolve in sight, we call that a crisis. The Toledo Water Crisis was one of the worst algae-blooms on record in Ohio and scientists are already predicting another significant bloom this year. The unpredictability and severity of these blooms leave Ohioans worried about their drinking water, their places of recreation, and their health. The cause of the blooms, high phosphorus levels from nutrient runoff, place strain on Ohio’s important agricultural industry.
Cordray has proven his devotion to the one in seven Ohioans that the agricultural industry employs. With the help of the Action Fund PAC, Cordray will fight for a solution that protects farmers and our Great Lake so that blooms are eradicated for good. Once in office, Cordray plans to appoint an Assistant Director of Food Policy and Rural Development in the Ohio Department of Agriculture who will work on improving farm policies to prevent algal-blooms.
“The toxic algae bloom in Lake Erie has blighted our environment and has hurt the economy and well-being of communities along the coast. This problem must finally be addressed by our state government with urgency that is commensurate with the harm that the algae bloom has caused,” said Cordray. “As Governor and Lt. Governor, Betty Sutton and I will bring everyone to the table — including farmers, local leaders, environmental advocates, and affected Ohioans — to find solutions and implement them in an effective and sustainable manner.”
The November election is critical in choosing leaders who will push Ohio forward on environmental policy and protect our families. We are eager to work with Cordray on all of our most pressing issues across the state to ensure clean air, water, and public lands for all.