July 20, 2016
Trump Presidency Would Make America First in Race to the Bottom
Tonight at the Republican National Convention, the lineup of speakers focused on the theme of “Making America First.” The speakers included former primary campaign rivals, an oil company executive, and Trump running mate, Governor Mike Pence. In response to tonight’s speeches, OEC Action Fund Director Aryeh Alex issued the following statement.
“The only thing a Trump Presidency promises is that America comes in first in a race to the bottom on developing clean and renewable energy and solving the challenges of climate change.
While Donald Trump talks a big game about being an outsider who will shake up Washington, his speakers, advisors, policies, and running mate represent the same tired positions that have sought to halt efforts to address climate change.
Donald Trump’s running mate sat on his hands and allowed extremists in the legislature to pad the pockets of utility company executives by gutting energy efficiency programs that even he acknowledges was saving families and small businesses money.”