Thursday, May 30, 2024
To: Members of the Ohio Legislature
From: Pete Bucher, Chief of Staff, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund
Re: House Bill 2 (Special Session)
Dear Honorable Legislators,
I am writing to inform you that the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) Action Fund will be scoring House Bill 2 (HB 2) for the purposes of our Legislative Scorecard for the 135th Ohio General Assembly. We urge you to vote yes on this legislation to delay the deadline for a major political party to certify its presidential and vice presidential candidates to the Secretary of State for the 2024 general election.
At the OEC Action Fund, we believe a healthy democracy is essential for a healthy environment. We support legislation designed to make common sense fixes to allow consistent administration of Ohio elections. To the extent that HB 2 passes as a “clean bill” without politicized amendments added to it, the OEC Action Fund will be doing extensive public education on the content of the legislation and the votes of Legislators.
The OEC Action Fund urges a yes vote on H.B. 2, delaying the deadline for political party candidates to certify presidential and vice presidential candidates. We urge a yes vote as long as no other substantive provisions are added to the legislation that alter the original intent.
Regardless of political affiliation, all Ohioans should want both major party candidates for President of the United States on the ballot in Ohio. Ohioans expect to vote in the Presidential election and have all eligible candidates on the ballot. This provision in the Ohio Revised Code isn’t new – but neither is the necessary fix. This body has acted in previous years to ensure Barack Obama, Mitt Romey, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden have all received ballot access, despite facing the same issue. Any attempt to change course now is purely political gamesmanship.
We know what change needs to happen to fix the issue—it should be easy and straightforward.
For these reasons, as long as no other substantive provisions are added to the legislation that alter the original intent, the OEC Action Fund urges a yes vote on H.B. 2.
If you have any questions, please direct them to me at

Pete Bucher
Chief of Staff
OEC Action Fund