Gov. Kasich on Lake Erie: This is a top priority

In a recent one-on-one interview with a Toledo news station, Gov. Kasich emphasized his strong support of solutions to tackle the long term health of Lake Erie.

"This is a high priority. In fact, I even had to veto legislation on water takes from the lake that every single republican in the legislature voted for and I vetoed it because I thought it endangered the lake. We also made a real breakthrough when we said the farmers are not going to put manure on frozen ground, which causes runoff which causes the algae bloom. We're on top of it and we're going to continue to do it. As president I think it's a cooperative effort between states and the federal government when it comes to natural resources.

"It's a partnership but in the state of Ohio, we've spent a billion dollars on the lake and the lake is getting better. The problem is the sins of the past are starting to catch up with us. It's like being a smoker. Once you quit, the lungs don't clear up right away. The same is true with the lake." 

Kasich is right about the sins of the past catching up with us. Without smart, immediate solutions to protect the Lake, millions of Ohioans are at risk of losing safe drinking water, small tourism and travel businesses will struggle, and families will miss out on beautiful summers on the beach. 

We agree the Lake must be a high priority and look forward to working with Kasich to do even more for our Great Lake. 

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