4 things to know about the presidential candidates’ views on climate change

This year’s Presidential nominees don’t see eye-to-eye on most issues, but their views on climate change are starkly different.

According to a recent Brookings Institution report, the nominees’ views can best be summarized as “Building on the Obama legacy,” on the one hand, and “drill baby drill,” on the other. Not a big surprise, right?

However, getting into the details of Clinton and Trump’s views on energy policy and environmental protection is extremely important for decided and undecided voters, alike. Here are 5 things you should know from the report:

1. Secretary Clinton wants to see renewables make up 25% of the U.S.’s energy mix by 2025.

To get there, Secretary Clinton would support tax credits for renewables and a phase out of the subsidies that prop up fossil-fuels.

2. Secretary Clinton has created a $30 billion plan to revitalize communities where coal production is an important source of jobs

Clinton recognizes the real economic implication of a coal phase out for American families, and her plan will help to provide jobs and investment in communities that have few other options.

3. Trump does not believe humans are responsible for climate change

If climate change isn’t real and isn’t a crisis, we can’t expect action on it, or support for past action from a “President Trump.”

4. Trump would resurrect the Keystone Pipeline

Trump plans to ask TransCanada to resubmit the pipeline proposal, which he promises to approve.

We know that people are more likely to believe and trust information coming from friends and family. Understanding the candidates’ views on climate change is HUGELY critical to the future of our country and world, so please share this information with the people in your life and remember Election Day is November 8, 2016!

Read the full report