OEC Action Fund Statement on HB 389 Committee Vote

Columbus, OH — The Ohio House Public Utilities Committee voted today to advance House Bill (HB) 389, a bill designed to allow utilities to offer Energy Waste Reduction Programs. You can find OEC Action Fund’s proponent testimony here

The following statement can be attributed in full or in part to Miranda Leppla, Vice President of Energy Policy for the OEC Action Fund: 

“In a time of rising electric bills, Energy Waste Reduction programs like those allowed under HB 389 will benefit all Ohioans. It is critical—for our health, our environment, and our wallets—that energy waste reduction programs are put back in place in the state. House Bill 389 takes an important step in the right direction to put Ohio back on track toward energy and bill savings after House Bill 6 repealed critical and effective energy-saving programs. This bill will create jobs, save consumers money, create a more resilient grid, and improve our air quality and public health. For those reasons, the OEC Action Fund urges members of the Ohio House of Representative to pass House Bill 389.”


The Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) Action Fund is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and the health of all Ohio communities. We will continue to fight for Ohio’s access to clean water, healthy air, vibrant public lands and a strong democracy.  Learn more at www.theoecactionfund.org

Press inquiries? Contact ebacha<at>theoec.org.